(Kill my child's initiative just like that, right? Listen, it's not me...it's the kitchen... I've discussed our stove, Mr. Roper, before. And then there's the kitchen sink, which is a situation. Which is a $2000 situation to repair, so that it is no longer a situation, just a sink. Right now, I'm working with the situation. I call it The Sink-uation. But can the 14-year-old handle The Sink-uation? Yeah, probably...not.)
"I need to make a Costa Rican meal for Spanish class. It's worth, like, 100 points or 200 points or something."
"Let me rephrase: Yes."
Costa Rica is definitely on my bucket list. In fact, Costa Rica could very well be my entire bucket list. Let me be in Costa Rica and then I can die, that's fine. So, okay, well, why not? Make me a dinner costaricense, son, whatever that may be.
Whatever that may be was a savory beef stew (olla de carne), spicy rice and beans (gallo pinto) and corn pancakes (chorreadas).
Can you say "yum" in Spanish? Sabroso it was!
I kind of have to hand it to the kid: He did a pretty darn good job. Looked up recipes online, selected ones he thought he could handle, prepared a shopping list and actually did a good deal of the food prep and cooking, including corn pancakes from scratch! And he set a pretty table, with a pretty tablecloth...whole ten yards.
He even said, "Cooking is fun. Kind of Zen. Can we do this again?"
Yes. We can do this any time you like. Mr. Roper and The Sink-uation be damned.
And leftover chorreadas and gallo pinto for breakfast? Si!